We have deemed this, the summer of wet. Wet humping in the hot tub! Yea bb!! We’re back with more tales of wet raunchiness in our backyard sexidise (sex paradise? LOL) We get laughed at, by um something, what?! Kilroy voyeurs? Roleplay
Author: Sally Mitch
The heat is on and it ain’t the fun kind! We are back up on our roof in the spider-webs and talking about life, liberty and the pursuit of naughty times and sexy shenanigans! So we realized we were still a bit
Welcome back our orgasmic army of lusty lovers! We’re back and we are HIGH! Um, high on our roof, about 30’ in the air on our new upper deck! Check the photo, spider web railings, so cool! Our exhibitionist streak has leveled
Mitch Jagundo, hot tub repairman. So we’re back and in the interest of not melting chocolate we delve right into hohos, well chocolate hohos and yodels. Mitch has one more taste test. Just bare with us, LOL! Ok, back to the TUB
Well wrap my ding dong! It is TANNING WEATHER! We got new chairs and are broiling! We love it and love it even more now. Come see our tan bods, LOL! We have been doing more drift trike practice, Mitch is trying
Shout, shout, shout, shout at the weiner! Come on now children of the wang, be strong and well, ya get it, lol. What no Crue fans out there? WOW, we are showing our age, ha! Ok besides bad 80’s metal jokes we
For those about to bone, WE SALUTE YOU! (Mitch loves AC/DC) We also salute our Dads for Memorial Day. A slow week for sexy news brings a big week for Sally’s pet updates, LOL! More drift trike practice and brake issues. Mitch’s
Let’s get this m-fing party started! Ha! Mitch promises me that if he loses 5 pounds he’ll get a tatt above his wang. Animal drama! Cats, bearded dragons, it’s been constant pet perils here lately! Why was no one making a big
Tattoo you, Or tattoo Jagundo. Come on everyone we need to egg him on! LOL. Mitch shocked me this week with some interesting ideas he tried out. Anyways, what is KINKY to you? Sally talks about having to tap out during a
Sexatoriummmmm, dah dah, dum, dah! It’s another fun week of freakiness with those sweaty weirdos, um, us. Wandering the house while camming. Sally makes the men stand at attention. Balls on the chin, wait, what? Time for new Hot Tub Whore Hardware!