It’s time for another epilode to drop, lol! Welcum back sexy friends! Some fun stuff to chat about this time! Here ya go… Sally is now dressing sexy for every episode! Come see her outfit, hehe! More HVAC drama, ugh! Our road
Hello our freaky sexy friends in the ether! We’re back with more tales from the cam couple of lust! LOL! Your weekly dose of all things Sexy & Jagundo. This time.. Furnace fiasco, room hogs, show me that BBC!!, super fans who
Yes, I am making Mitch dress sexy! LOL! Welcome freaky friends to another episode! This time we discuss being nominated for and adult award! Vegas perhaps? Porn acronyms, hehe Cum love blasts! Hehe Mitch builds a new bike! Two privates on two
It’s been a hot minute but we got another little webisode up! We’ve been busy sex fiends the past couple months and did some traveling! Cape May, Sexy Shenanigans… We also unpack our new sex couch! Yay!! Mitch gets boobs for his
Hey Sexy Freakadoodles! We’re coming at ya from the swinger hotel this time around! Yes, on the road again! This trip we head to Thrilladelphia and hit up Passional Boutique, where we learn the whereabouts of old friends! Then we head off
Hey there friends of freakiness! Another week of wackiness and sexiness and we’re here to share it with ya, lol!! The return of sexyboy! Our favorite frenchman! Our little chihuahua is asked for…her papers! I sell my first pair of panties, Mitch
Hello there horny heroes! Welcome to a sick…quite literally episode of your fave wacky couple! Yes it’s been a fun week for us, ugh, Sally had some…feminine problems and Mitch got sock all week so we’ve been down for the sexy count,
Welcome to our sexy room funky friendicles! Don’t be a Hugh Anus! LOL! We head out to our first lifestyle party and Sally shakes her booty so much she gets tweaked out. Grab a moscow mule and have some fun people! Sexy
Hey there sexticles! Sally’s been taking notes and we have a lot to talk about! Hehe! First off, we made a clone a jagundo. Listen to our torrid tale of wang making, LOL. Hey, I need a perfect fit. Jagundo meets the
It’s two overly sexy weirdos on the road!! LOL!! BIG one this time around! Almost an hour! Hot tubs, couches, pools, bad dildos, apple asses! It gets crazy people! Come on into our bed and have some fun! hehe! Happy Horniness our