Hello there our funky freak friends! We’d like to welcome you to our FIRST and hopefully not last, LOL, interview with some people who are in what is called “the lifestyle”, aka, swingers, the every effervescent Ranjan and Chelsea. We signed up on a lifestyle site called Friction this past spring and these 2 lovely people were the first ones to message and say hi and actually start a conversation! They love freaky, geeky stuff like us so online chat has been fun and we were able to get a moment to say hi at Liquid Lust finally this past summer. We hit them up and asked if they wanted to be on our podcast and they delightfully accepted! So let’s sit back and learn a little more about the lifestyle that we are total newbs in but these two are well…let’s just say many hotels know ranjanchels! Viva le sexay!
Sally & Mitch’s Camming Couple Podcast #109