We’re back, we’re back for more… LOL! We’re going to a sexy party!!
Category: Podcast
Hey our freakalicious fiends! This week run a weird gamut from losing track of days to backwards underwear up to and including centerfolds and calendar shots! It’s a weird, fun, sexy life but someone’s got to live it. So we will! LOL
Whereby we head to a mansion, yes a mansion and pretend we are living large like Hugh Hefner and a Playmate. Except it’s not all weird and icky…
Once more unto the podcast!
Watch us be goofballs! Ya know ya want to, and in our sex room no less! LOL!
Mitch gets COVID for Christmas, UGH! What a cramp in the sex life!
It’s episode 69, I mean cum on! hehe!
Basement BDSM photoshoot spot!
Moldy B&B rooms!
Bad banging reviews on cam sites LOL!!